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The University of Tennessee

Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment

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Lab for Sustainable Business and Development

246 Jessie Harris Building
Knoxville, TN USA 37996-1911

Phone: 865.974.0505

2013 Leadership Summit: Sustainable Quality of Life

The Lab for Sustainable Business and Development (CSBD) hosted the 2013 Leadership Summit: Sustainable Quality of Life on Thursday, October 3.

Dr. Jimmy Cheek, presented "Leader in Sustainability" honorary awards to the three distinguished panelists:

picture of Deputy Commissioner Meghreblian and Chancellor Cheek picture of Commissioner Schroer and Chancellor Cheek
Dr. Shari Meghreblian, Deputy Commissioner, TDEC
John Schroer, Commissioner of Transportation
picture of Deputy Commissioner Templeton and Chancellor Cheek picture of Commissioner Whitaker and Chancellor Cheek
Jai Templeton, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture
From left to right: Mr. Jai Templeton, Dr. Shari Meghreblian, Mr. John Schroer, and Chancellor Cheek
picture of group
From left to right: Dr. Chris Cox, Director of UT's Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment; Dr. Rachel Chen, Director of the UT/ISSE Lab for Sustainable Business and Development (CSBD); Mr. Jai Templeton, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, State of Tennessee; Dr. Shari Meghreblian, Deputy Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC); Mr. John Schroer, Commissioner of Transportation, State of Tennessee; Dr. Jimmy Cheek, Chancellor, The University of Tennessee; Mr. Steve Borden, Regional Director, Tennessee Department of Transportation; and Ms. Amanda Snowden, Regional Director for Operations, Tennessee Department of Transportation

AGENDA: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 12:40-2:00pm  [Location: UTK JC Hodges Library Auditorium*]

Welcome by Dr. Jimmy Cheek, Chancellor, the University of Tennessee Knoxville

Prestigious panelists:

*Map and directions to John C. Hodges Library

Dr. Rachel Chen, Director of the Lab for Sustainable Business and Development, the University of Tennessee, is the coordinator for both events.